Personalized learning

At the heart of our personalized learning programme is the commitment to Mastery, Integrity and Success.

Our excellent educational programme is complimented by our commitment to a threefold approach to pastoral care, personalized learning and student well-being.

At MIS every student is seen as an individual, with their own unique talents, abilities and needs.

Personalized learning means really knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each individual student, having high expectations for each individual, shaping teaching based on a sound knowledge and understanding of the way different young-people learn and taking the care to nurture the unique talents of…

Personalized learning

At the heart of our personalized learning programme is the commitment to Mastery, Integrity and Success.

Our excellent educational programme is complimented by our commitment to a threefold approach to pastoral care, personalized learning and student well-being.

At MIS every student is seen as an individual, with their own unique talents, abilities and needs.

Personalized learning means really knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each individual student, having high expectations for each individual, shaping teaching based on a sound knowledge and understanding of the way different young-people learn and taking the care to nurture the unique talents of every student.

The many advantages of a MIS education are key to our approach to personalized learning, as we focus on the five key components of:

1. Assessment for learning
2. Effective teaching and learning strategies
3. Curriculum entitlement and choice
4. School organisation
5. Strong partnerships beyond the school.

At MIS we are always looking for clear evidence about how to drive up individual attainment.

In the five key components of personalized learning we focus on:

Assessment for learning

Our learners need to know and understand the following before learning can take place:

1. What is the aim of the learning?
2. Why do we need to learn it?
3. Where are they, as an individual, in terms of achieving the aim?
4. How can they, as an individual, achieve the aim?

The characteristics of our effective tracking systems can be summarized as follows:

1. Individual student’s progress is tracked, together with that of cohorts and specific groups, using a range of performance measures including a combination of periodic teacher assessments and test results.
2. Strengths and weaknesses are identified so supporting planning and intervention.
3. Data is collected on a regular basis, typically termly, and shared with staff and the students themselves.
4. Students have regular opportunities to discuss their progress. Teachers actively involve students in setting and reviewing their progress towards their targets.
5. Teaching programmes, intervention programmes and revision programmes are adjusted in the light of the progress the students are making.
6. Parents and guardians receive regular updates on their son or daughter’s progress so that they can provide additional support and encouragement if necessary.
7. Student progress data are managed through a school-wide system that all teachers can access.
8. The process operates across the whole school to ensure consistency and is regularly evaluated by senior leaders to ensure that the needs of all students are being met.

Effective teaching and learning strategies
Our teachers use highly focused planning to support effective teaching and learning strategies:

1. Explaining the learning aims to students and checking their understanding
2. Demonstrating the standards that need to be achieved and helping students recognise when they have achieved that standard.
3. Creating learning opportunities where students can progress at their own pace and undertake consolidation activities where necessary.
4. Informing the students of their progress, and empowering individuals to take the necessary action to improve their performance.
Our teachers give effective individual feedback and identification of how individuals can improve, challenging both the less able and more able learner, and developing learner’s self-assessment skills to support self-improvement.
5. Providing regular opportunities for teachers and learners to reflect and review learners’ progress

Curriculum entitlement and choice

It is the nature of education at MIS to focus teaching and learning on the aptitudes and interests of students, in a system in which all children receive teaching tailored to their needs and which is based on their ‘stage not age’.

Our curriculum entitlement and choice deliver a breadth of study, personal relevance and flexible learning pathways through the education system; thereby enabling students to acquire the skills to fulfil their own potential, by ensuring they have the capability, and accept the responsibility, to take forward their own learning.

At the heart of personalized learning at MIS is the expectation of participation, fulfilment and success, with personalized lessons stretching for everyone.

School organisation
The organisational advantages of MIS allow our teachers to think creatively about how to support high quality first teaching and learning. As a result, our school ethos is focused on student needs, with the whole school team taking time to find out the needs and interests of students; with students listened to and their voice used to drive whole school improvement.

Personalized learning means high quality teaching that is responsive to the different ways students achieve their potential. Making use of curriculum flexibilities our personalized learning is learner centred and knowledge centred and assessment centred.

The advantaged size of our teaching groups means that learning can be organised to cater for a wide variety of student strengths and weaknesses. There are numerous ways of grouping or pairing learners according to the task in hand, for example by age, ability, friendship groups or gender. Research evidence suggests that effective grouping is carefully planned and flexible and that in-class grouping is the best way of all to ensure effective learning.

The organisation of our whole school and classroom environments, and the organisation of resources within it, can have a very significant impact on the quality of children and young people’s learning. So we ensure that our learning environments are well organised and used flexibly to support a range of different interactive teaching and learning approaches.

The Homeroom Teams at the heart of our MIS pastoral care system will support students by:

  • being familiar with the student’s progress across their subject areas.
  • identifying and acting on any barriers to success beyond the classroom.
  • playing a key role in communicating with parents/guardians to report on their child’s progress and discussing any support they need at home and at school.
  • helping young people to identify their long-term aspirations and in making the best choice of subjects.
  • supporting them, including by face-to-face meetings, through the transition stages of learning.

Strong partnerships beyond the school
Strong partnership beyond the school will drive forward progress in the classroom, removing barriers to learning and supporting student and engaging the community and local institutions.